Jul 28, 2021
Often we fixate on aspects of our body that we dislike, but what could happen if you simply reflected on all it has done for you? In my personal experience, the result is a happier, healthier, more aligned existence. In this short guided meditation I set you on a path of self-discovery and love for your body.
Jul 26, 2021
Have you ever had that week where you are on top of your game, crushing workouts and work, eating right and feeling oh so confident? It turns out that much of feeling invincible and driven (or not so much) has to do with the timing of your 28-day cycle. Registered Nurse and Cycle Syncing Expert Megan Rempel is on...
Jul 21, 2021
The term self-love is used ad nauseam, but with all the press and fanfare have you actually ever practiced it? In this short guided meditation session, I help you enter into a state of self-love that may have wide-reaching implications for your life.
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Jul 19, 2021
Melody Godfred is a mom, author and Founder of Fred and Far, a self-love movement empowering women all over the world. Having hit every milestone she had ever dreamed of: a great career as an attorney, husband, kids, a home, Melody was shocked to find that she felt lost, unhappy, and disconnected from her true,...
Jul 14, 2021
Stressful week? In this short guided meditation session, I help you use your breath to get into a parasympathetic state, release anxiety and stress, and reignite your connection to your body and to the Universe.
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